Thursday, May 10, 2007

New Store Ho

Hannah and I were on shift Tuesday, and she was writing the new store hours in the front window. Her first try yielded an interesting sign.

I was in a yarn swap that ended recently, and I got a skein of the most beautiful hand-dyed Blue-Faced Leicester I have ever seen. Blue-Faced Leicester is a wool from a breed of sheep which has a natural blue tint to its fleece. This affects the dyeing process, usually to the good. The colours you get usually have an extra depth and they are quite rich, without being intense. Oh heck, here's a picture so you can see for yourselves!

See the pretty? It's a happy, happy yarn. In the skein, the colours were restful and soothing, now with them all mixed together it's more energetic.

I love it.

It is going to become a hat, which I am knitting sideways, using short-rows to shape the crown.

Just a reminder, we're going to be closed the 20th, 21st, and 22nd of this May to rennovate the store. I think ya'll will like the new look - I know that all of us are excited about it! The whole idea behind the rennovation is to make everything more accessible and easier to see. I'm looking forward to the whole thing.

We're also placing several orders that will be coming in over the course of the summer as we try to gear up for fall. It seems like not that long ago we were trying to get in the summer stuff. You may have noticed that the inventory is low, rest assured that we're getting new things to fill those empty places on the shelves.

I got a new knitting book, I pre-ordered it months ago on Amazon and it showed up today. Here is a small sample of the cover - Can you guess what it might possibly be about?

It's quite charming, lots of good kids projects. I will definitely be making a few things out of here - In my size!

Edit: P.S. We just got a bunch of Koigu and STR in, plus Shepherd's Worsted from Lorna's Laces in four different colourways, all of which are absofrigginglutely gorgeous. They're hanging out front, next to the Purple Lotus.


Christy said...

Aw man! You mean that position is already filled....I'll have to file my applications to be a store ho elsewhere ;)

Kathy said...

Now that's one eye catching sign ;-)

Unknown said...

My question is what happened to the old store ho's?

FiberQat said...

Tis true; you are shameless.

If you haven't seen the hat he's made from the happy happy yarn, you must. It's like the Tychus in shaping but with much finer yarn and great colorwork. Plus it's cute with his curls poking out from under it.