Friday, February 2, 2007


So, here's how it is. I moved to Portland 6 months ago to go to college and become a Grown Up. In the path to AdultHood, I have gotten myself a checking and savings account, a cell phone, a huge student loan, and a job.

My job. Well. I work at a yarn store. It's called Abundant Yarn and Dyeworks. It's pretty cool, 'cause there's Pat,

who owns the place. She also teaches a lot of the classes. We also have Stevanie and Suzie who are the managers. They're sisters. Also, they kick ass. You'll hear about them a lot on here.

This is Jenna.
Jenna does the plant-dyeing classes, and a lot of the hand-dyed stuff you see in the shop.
She's pretty much amazing.
This is her in a hat that Stev' made out of this yarn we got at the shop.
Jenna just got married too, which is really cool if you ask me. She also doesn't mind if I ask her tons of questions about dyeing or whatever she's doing. I like that a lot.

There's also Hannah - Who really, really likes yarn.
How much?
Uhm. Well. Let's just say she has a very close connection with our stock.
This is her Halloween costume. She's covered in her unfinished projects. Except she kind of does this a lot, the covering herself in yarn thing. Hannah's favourite accessory is a hank of yarn looped around her neck. I think it's pretty cool. Hannah's also a Knitting Geek like me. The hours we have spent pondering techniques and deducting the construction of garments from their finished appearance are only a drop in the bucket in relation to our relative obsessions with Learning Just One More Way To Do Things.

We've also got Brandon, who hates that I take pictures of him without asking.

He was unprepared.
I'm putting this up until he finds it. When he does find it, though?
Well. I probably won't be posting anymore.
Don't see why everyone's so touchy about getting their picture in the morning anyhow.

There's also me. Yes. Secret Ninja Knitter.

And that's just the yarn shop people. 'Cause the shop? We're not just a shop.
We also got a café. A BIG one. I'll show it to you next time. Unless you happen to come in before that and see it for yourself. You can find out everything about us at our webpage,

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