Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wanna Have A Sleepover?

Holy Crap.

Vacation feels niiiiice. Sorry for the unexplained abscence. I was caught in a whirlwind of packing up my dorm life, moving home, and then an unplanned weekend at a beach house with a big group of friends. Now I'm excited for this weekend.

Saturday night at the shop we'll be having a Knit All Night Marathon. There will be workshops on needle felting, drop spindling, and crochet. It's a potluck dinner, but we'll be providing breakfast. It starts at 7 PM Saturday and goes to 9 AM Sunday. It's the shortest night of the year, and what better way to spend it than by knitting with fellow insomniacs? There is a fee to help pay for staff and the food. But really, 30 bucks for 12+ hours of knitting help, workshops, and great company is a steal.

I had an unfortunate mishap with my bog jacket. The yarn and I have decided that this project has abused us both beyond our tolerances and will soon be relaxing in a nice frog pond, hopefully a little woolwash and lanolin will revive us both to tackle something healthier for us both.

Until then, some Shepherd's Worsted in Baltic Sea has been treating me very nicely in a ribbed cardigan pattern that I am making up as I go along. There will be extensive finishing, and we are both looking forward to the time together. He's a very cozy knit, and his strong ribs have soothed my betrayed knitter's heart after the scorn of the Bog.

Pictures soon, and maybe a better recap of my Week O' Sleep And Other Stuff.


BEESTLYproducts said...

VacatIoN? what's that? The knit night sounds awesome......

Kathy said...

Knit All Night sounds like just my kind of party! Too bad I have a date with the husband instead ;-)