Finding Time
I woke up today and realized that I, literally, had nothing to do. So of course I did my errands, and I'm doing my chores. I don't work today, finals are all over, and I basically decided that it was the day to be a Good Boy and do everything that I put off all week because I have work or school or something. Days like today are when I am possibly the happiest, just running my life and making sure that everything happens the way it ought to.
But! The shop, oh yes, the shop. We have been busy this past week. On Saturday we had a green sale, which gave me an idea for bi-monthly, year-round'll see, 'cause the wrinkles are waiting to get ironed out and that will have to wait until we get our April-May-June class list into action.
By the way, Earth Day is in April and we are considering a series of Sunday or Saturday classes to follow the themes of Reclaiming and Recycling for our knitting and spinning, so watch for those on the website and if you have any questions please come ask us!
The girls do the layout of all the patterns themselves, and as they are both graphic designers in Real Life this is pretty easy and makes for a fantastic finished product. Their patterns are clear and concise, with schematics to show the measurements and proportions.
They actually started out making stitch markers before branching out into designing. When I asked about their inspiration, they said that it varied for each sweater and that certain garments started out in the sketch stage and were altered radically before the end while others were more organic, progressing naturally.
I really liked a sweater that I saw there called The Tree Jacket, which is NOT yet available. I think I'm going to make a men's version, or at least a sweater with a squared-off, garter-stitch yoke.
Talking with them was very very easy, as both are very personable and I hope to see them in the shop again! If you're interested in buying their patterns, you can find them by going through this page and order them from Abundant Yarn, or you can look at the list of retailers on
Many of you have been asking where all the neeldes have gone, and here I must apologize. We have been having some difficulty with several shipments lately which will be resolved shortly and hopefully we will be able to have needles on a more regular basis from now on.
I also took a decent picture of Hannah. Who found time to knit on one of the prettiest days in the past two weeks.
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